Controversy at Chelsea

Well, it all got a bit interesting when the awards were handed out at Chelsea this year. Golds were given to Sarah Eberle, Chris Beardshaw, Ruth Wilmott, Andy Sturgeon, Joe Perkins, Lulu Urquhart and Adam Hunt – which all seemed about right – but Best in Show went to the last of these two designers, for their ‘Rewilding’ garden.

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Christmas 2021

I think that’s what you call the nick of time. The last card posted (next door), the last present wrapped and dinner is in the oven. Phew! Never has Christmas Eve arrived quite so quickly. And not without a few false starts (and the odd cough), but here we are: Mum, Dad, Paul and I, all lateral flow tested, sitting around the fire with glasses of mulled wine, relieved to not be having a repeat of last Christmas.

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